Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does shipping take? Shipping times vary depending on the product and supplier. Generally, it can take anywhere from 5 to 30 business days for your order to arrive. Rest assured, we work closely with our suppliers to ensure timely delivery and strive to provide the best possible shipping experience for you.

Can I track my order? Yes, absolutely! Once your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number. You can use this number to track the progress of your shipment online and get real-time updates on its location and estimated delivery date.

What is your return policy? We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not happy with your order, please contact our customer support within 14 days of receiving it. We will guide you through the return process and provide you with options for a refund or exchange. Please note that all returns other than those for damaged or defective items or wrong items sent, will be subject to return shipping and a 30% restocking fee to cover transactions fees and what the warehouse charges us for returns.  Please see our return policy for more details.

How do I contact customer support? We value your experience and are here to assist you. You can reach our friendly customer support team by email at or through our Contact Us page on the website. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours.

Are your products high quality? Yes, we take pride in offering high-quality products for your home and garden. We carefully select items that are well-crafted, durable, and designed to enhance your living space. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Do you offer international shipping? Currently, we only ship to the continental United States.

Can I cancel or modify my order? As soon as you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail. This means that we have received your order in our system and pre-authorized your credit card for the purchase. As soon as we receive your order, we automatically reach out to our suppliers to confirm that it is in stock and available for immediate shipment. If your item is on backorder or unavailable, we will void the pre-authorization and reach out to you via e-mail. If your item(s) are available for immediate shipment (within 5 business days), we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment.

If you cancel your order BEFORE it has been processed and/or shipped, you will be assessed a 30% cancellation fee to cover restocking fees and the charges assessed to us for refunds by the credit card companies.
If you cancel your order after it has shipped you will also be charged for outbound and inbound shipping charges.

How secure is my payment information? We take your online security seriously. Our website uses secure payment gateways that encrypt your payment information, providing a safe and secure checkout experience. Your personal and financial information is handled with the utmost confidentiality.

How can I stay updated on promotions and new products? To stay in the loop about our latest promotions and new arrivals, we encourage you to join our mailing list. Simply sign up with your email address, and you'll receive regular updates on exclusive deals and exciting product launches.

Do you offer a warranty on your products? Yes, many of our products come with a manufacturer's warranty. The specific warranty details can be found on the product page or inside the packaging. If you have any questions about a particular product's warranty, feel free to reach out to our customer support team for assistance.

    If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are here to ensure your shopping experience with us is delightful and stress-free.