Contact Us

Thank you so much for visiting our store.  We are really passionate about making our lives and the lives of others easier and more convenient, and all the products in our store, I think, will reflect that. 

Before contacting us, please visit our FAQ page first. If you cannot find the answer to your question there, then feel free to contact us about any of the products we have on our page.  If we do not have an answer for you, our team will contact our suppliers to get the answer for you.  You can also contact us at the following email address:

We usually try to respond to your inquiry within 12-24 hours of receiving it Monday - Friday if it's not a holiday.

136 W Belmont Dr
Ste 11, #236
Calhoun, GA 30701

(678) 767-1859

Mon - Thur 10am - 4pm EST

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